Seismic Network

The SIM-CRUST project installed and maintained a seismic network in Co. Donegal for about three years, composed of 12 temporary seismic stations. All the stations were equipped with broadband seismometers (Guralp CMG-40T), with a flat response between 50Hz and 60s. Seven Earth Data PR6-24 Portable Field Recorders have been used, together with four Guralp CMG-EAM Flexible data acquisition modules. Due to the limited space available for storing the digitizer, a Nanometrics Taurus has been installed at station DL13. All stations (other than DL21 and DL13) have been installed within a building allowing for continuous power supply. All stations recorded continuously for a period ranging from two years to four years. Four stations, DL10, DL14, Dl12, DL14 are still in the field (2017/03/03). Data have been archived as 1-day MSEED files at DIAS. The inter-station distance ranges between 5 and 20 km, smaller in the area of the last Mw=2.2 seismic event occurred in Jan 26th 2012.

Coordinates for the SIM-CRUST seismic stations in Co. Donegal can be found here.

Seismic network deployed in Donegal in the framework of the SIM-CRUST project. Twelve broad-band seismic stations have been deployed for about 2.5 years of continuous recording. Two stations belong to a previous temporary seismic network, ISLE/ISUME projects. Seismic data have been integrated with data from the permanent seismic station IDGL, Irish National Seismic Network. Inter-station distance is less than 10 km in the central area. Sources of anthropic noise are present in the area, lowering the quality of the seismic signal recorded. Fault traces in the region are reported as red lines. Colors indicate different terranes. From Piana Agostinetti and Licciardi (2015), courtesy of Andrea Licciardi.